Archive for the ‘Digestive’ Category

Acupuncture and Herbs for Constipation and IBS


Chief Complaint: constipation, cramps

Western Diagnosis: irritable bowel syndrome

Medical History: 21 y.o. woman in apparently good health except for IBS symptoms, acne, insomnia, terrifying nightmares, depression, anxiety and fear, history of post traumatic stress due to near lethal assault 5 years before. Unhappy family and relationship History:history of abandonment and neglect. Stuck in dead end job, strong creativity frustrated.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
Tags: , , , ,  Â· Posted in: Digestive, Well-Being

Herbs and Acupuncture for IBS Diarrhea


Chief Complaint: Chronic diarrhea for 10 years

Western Diagnosis: IBS.

Medical History: Female, 67y. She has chronic diarrhea for 10 years, which was diagnosed as IBS. Diarrhea 4 to 5 times everyday, which refrains her from going out, loose stools, no obvious abdominal pain before diarrhea, poor sleep, dry mouth.

Questioning exam: Tenderness around umbilicus. She is stressful, but denied diarrhea related to emotional disturbance.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
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Chinese Medicine for Colorectal Cancer


Chief Complaint: colorectal cancer

Western Diagnosis: colorectal cancer stage IV

Medical History: age – 55. female. was a smoker and alcohol abuser but quit both 15 years ago, diet includes little vegetable or fruit, high animal fats, high in refined foods, lots sweets, caffeine in form of coffee and also pop, little exercise.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
Tags: , , ,  Â· Posted in: Cancer, Digestive

Acupuncture for Stomachache


Chief Complaint: Stomach Pain, irregular stool

Western Diagnosis: Ulcerative Colitis

History: As a young child, parents divorced and patient began having “stomach and digestive issues”. 9 years ago began experiencing bloody stool and severe abdominal pain after mother died of cancer. Several doctors and testing are really not definitive, but they diagnosis her with ulcerative colitis.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
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Chinese Medicine for Indigestion and Plum Pit Sensation


Chief Complaint: Indigestion & plumstone throat

Western Diagnosis: 1. Indigestion. 2. Hypertension

History: Male. 63 years old.

Patient had had indigestion on and off for 8 months, continuous for last 2 months.

Drugs: had been taking and Angiotensin II Inhibitor for HBP for some time. Dosage increased 2 months ago. Antacid tablets for indigestion last 2 months

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
Tags: , ,  Â· Posted in: Digestive, Neurological, Well-Being

The Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Treatment of Diarrhea


Chief Complaint: Weight loss/diarrhea

Western Diagnosis: Diarrhea with unknown reason

Medical History: Diarrhea for 5 years. Has to go the rest room 6 to 7 times a day. Fatigue. Low back pain. He has consulted many different doctors and tried all kinds of alternative medicine but acupuncture before he finds me.

Questioning exam: He owns a small business. He fills stressful on managing the daily business. Business fluctuation, employee problem. Whenever he tries to take meal, he has to go to the restroom before he finishes it. He is tired all the time, because of lacking of nutrition. Food is going out before full digested.

Last modified: September 6, 2009 · al · No Comments
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The Chinese Medicine Treatment of Tremors, IBS


Chief Complaint: Tremors, IBS

Western Diagnosis: Familial Tremors

Medical History: Typical American Diet and Lifestyle

Questioning exam: hands shake – always, worse with stress. When stressed, head also shakes.
Loose, watery diarrhea – every morning, trouble leaving the house to start the day

Last modified: September 6, 2009 · al · No Comments
Tags: , ,  Â· Posted in: Digestive, Neurological

The Acupuncture Treatment of GERD


Chief Complaint: Severe abdominal pain

Western Diagnosis: gastric reflux

Medical History: 14 year old female with abdominal pain for three months. Onset began with a heavy deep fried meal, and has gotten worse since then. It is accompanied by nausea, and it has been necessary to remove her from school.

She is normal weight and has acne on her back and face, and her periods have become irregular as a side effect of anti-nausea medications. It was discovered she felt responsible for the death of her aunt who recently died, although this was not true. She had been in silent emotional stress.

Last modified: September 6, 2009 · al · No Comments
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The Acupuncture Treatment of Stomach Reflux and Vomiting


Chief Complaint: vomiting/stomach reflux

Medical History: 3and a half year old, white male, autistic. Slow development. Not talking or walking. Has been seeing occupational therapist for over 2 years. Mild improvement. Patient has been vomiting food since birth. Mother is very persistent in following recommended procedures with past doctors. Diet is high in sugars, particularly fruit juice, cold foods,little to no daily water intake. No recurring medical problems besides those listed above. No history of ear infections or frequent colds/flus. Some fear of nutritional deficiency and lack of food intake causing growth problems.

Last modified: September 6, 2009 · al · No Comments
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The Chinese Medicine Treatment of Epigastric Pain


Chief complaint Epigastric pain for a few months. John, 28-year old, male.

Medical History The patient has had for more than one year. Two months ago, the patient had severe epiagstric pain and visited his regular doctor and had his liver checked. The result showed that the functions of the liver were normal, but HBsAg was ++. He has had eaten some Chinese herbs for regulation of the spleen and stomach functions and got better, but he still has epigastric pain when ever he stops taking the herbs.

Last modified: September 6, 2009 · al · No Comments
Tags: , ,  Â· Posted in: Digestive