Chinese Medicine used for Hypertension

Chief Complaint: Abdominal problems and hypertension for about 3 years, due to stress.
Medical History: The patient claims that she has been under a tremendous amount of stress in the past three years, which have lead to her development of hypertension and dysrhythmias. She has been on anti-hypertensive medications, but these tend to make her feel tired and weak. She states that her stress level is high which prevents her from having a good night sleep.
She complains that she has gained weight, her facial muscle tone has decreased and has generally not felt “like herself” in almost a year now. She asserts that her appetite has increased, she is always cold and her energy level is vastly decreased. She has never sought the attention of an acupuncturist, and is open to new ideas and treatments at this point.
Last modified: September 8, 2009 ·
al ·
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Tags: Acupuncture, acupuncturist, hypertension · Posted in: Metabolic
Chinese Medicine for Obesity and Hypertension

Chief Complaint: Over Weight and High blood pressure
Western Diagnosis: Obesity, high blood pressure
Medical History: 45-year-female who has been overweight for nearly 30 years and has high blood pressure for nearly 12 years.
Questioning exam: Do you have a normal appetite?
No. Sometimes I can’t control myself even under the condition I don’t feel hungry I must eat.
Pulse exam: Heart and liver pulse are superficial.
Last modified: September 8, 2009 ·
al ·
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Tags: Acupuncture, Herbs, hypertension, Obesity · Posted in: Cardiovascular, Metabolic
Acupuncture Treatment for Headache

Chief Complaint: Headache, right side
Western Diagnosis: Hypertension and temporal arteritis
Medical History: Hypertension for 40 year on regular medicine.
Questioning exam: Right sided headache for 1 month, worse at night
Pulse exam: Pulse: regular
Right side headache gets worse when palpated.
Last modified: September 8, 2009 ·
al ·
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Tags: Acupuncture, headache, hypertension · Posted in: EENT, Metabolic, Neurological
Acupuncture and Herbs for Eye Pain

Chief Complaint: Right eye pain/pressure
Western Diagnosis: Secondary Hypertension
Medical History: Leukemia 10 years ago, remission. Truck driver with occasional sciatica. Secondary hypertension, stress from truck driving. Eats well, exercises regularly. Drinks excessive coffee on the road.
Questioning exam: Right eye pressure and pain for one week. Pressure behind the eye. Stress and worry about money and health issues. Bp was normal on examination. Difficulty falling asleep, prone to anger and feeling overwhelmed.
Last modified: September 8, 2009 ·
al ·
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Tags: Acupuncture, anger, eye, Herbs, hypertension, pain · Posted in: EENT, Metabolic
Chinese Medicine for Indigestion and Plum Pit Sensation

Chief Complaint: Indigestion & plumstone throat
Western Diagnosis: 1. Indigestion. 2. Hypertension
History: Male. 63 years old.
Patient had had indigestion on and off for 8 months, continuous for last 2 months.
Drugs: had been taking and Angiotensin II Inhibitor for HBP for some time. Dosage increased 2 months ago. Antacid tablets for indigestion last 2 months
Last modified: September 8, 2009 ·
al ·
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Tags: Herbs, hypertension, indigestion · Posted in: Digestive, Neurological, Well-Being