Archive for the ‘EENT’ Category

The Acupuncture and Herbal Treatment of Stomatitis and Conjunctivitis


Chief-complaint: Sores in the mouth and tongue, swollen, tender and bleeding gums, painful red eyes

Western-diagnosis: Stomatitis and Conjunctivitis

Medical-history: 38 year old male. Generally very stressed, works long hours, eats junk food almost every day and is always feeling hungry. Has some abdominal discomfort after eating. Usually very thirsty but can’t drink a lot of liquid. Has an odd sleep routine. Is usually constipated and has occasional burning of urine.

Last modified: October 19, 2009 · al · 2 Comments
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The Use of Acupuncture and Herbs for Meniere’s Disease


Chief Complaint: Dizziness

Western Diagnosis: Meniere’s Disease

Medical History: 54 yo male with 15 year history of Meniere’s disease. Vertigo, tinnitus and hearing loss, vomiting when severe. Tried diuretics, salt restriction, conventional medications, all without benefit.

Questioning exam: Had not tried alternative methods. Has had recurrent severe episodes with increased severity. (Always has the basic symptoms, however).The frequency of severe attacks has steadily increased, from 1 per year to 6 this summer.Heat exacerbates the symptoms. He also has a feeling of fullness in his ears.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
Tags: , , ,  Â· Posted in: EENT, Neurological

The Treatment of Ear Ache with Chinese Herbs and Acupuncture


Chief Complaint: Ear pain and head ache

Western Diagnosis: Ear infection and fluid accumulation

Medical History: Lower back pain(dull), inability to get pregnant for 4 months, 2 miscariages in the past.

Questioning exam: Appetite is well, sleep is well, urination bowel all normal. No cold hands feet, very seldom dizzy especially after squatting.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
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Dizziness and Vertigo Treated with Acupuncture


Chief Complaint: Dizziness

Western Diagnosis: Vertigo

Medical History: Weight training 2x a week

Eats lots of fatty foods, sweet cravings

Drinks a lot of coffee

Questioning exam: Migraine headaches for 6 months

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
Tags: , , ,  Â· Posted in: EENT, Well-Being

The Acupuncture Treatment of Tinnitus


Chief Complaint: Tinnitus

Western Diagnosis: Tinnitus

Medical History: 43year old Caucasian male patient had an oral surgery on his left side of his jaw 5 weeks ago. Since then he was hearing high pitch ringing sound in his left ear. Patient was healthy until this condition. He also complains of tenderness around the surgical area, and also suffers from insomnia and depression since. Healthy diet and exercises regularly.

Questioning exam: Do you have insomnia because of pain or sounds? Sounds (tinnitus)

Any medications? Taking anti-anxiety medication and took antibiotics for 2weeks after the surgery.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
Tags: ,  Â· Posted in: EENT, Neurological

The Acupuncture Treatment of Headaches


Chief Complaint: Chronic headaches: Tension, sinus, and migraine headaches

Medical History: 29 year old female; occupation-Project Coordinator for a construction company.

States to condition of “chronic” headaches for past 6+ years. Suffering from three types of headaches: tension, sinus and migraine headaches. Wants to get off “so many” medications that many times don’t work.

Reports father diagnosed with cluster headaches.

Current medications: Advil and Aleve for tension H/A, Sudafed 12 hr. for sinus H/A (preventative), Amitryptaline, Midrin, Fioracet for migraine H/A, Orthonovum 1/35 oral contraceptive. Other history is unremarkable.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
Tags: , ,  Â· Posted in: EENT, Neurological

Migraine Headache Treated with Acupuncture and Herbs


Chief Complaint: Headache

Western Diagnosis: Migraine-(dx. 02/96)

Medical History: 55 year old male, reports frontal and temporal unilateral headache, daily in the am for an hour and then in the evening.H x reveals that he has suffered from this kind of pain for approx. 15 years. worse: with light, in the evening and with stress. better: “nothing, makes it better. but i am still taking Imitrex” reports patient. overall H&P unremarkable.

Questioning exam: Energy is low, feels cold often, has chronic dull lumbar pain, chronic alternating diarrhea and constipation; poor sleep (4-6 hours, restless); urination normal.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
Tags: , , ,  Â· Posted in: EENT, Neurological

Acupuncture and Herbs for Migraine Headache


Chief Complaint: migraines

Medical History: drinker & smoker

Questioning exam: dizziness

Pulse exam: large rapid wiry

Tongue exam: red no coat

OM Diagnosis: liver yang rising

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
Tags: , , ,  Â· Posted in: EENT, Neurological

Chinese Medicine for Migraine Headaches


Chief Complaint: Migraine Headache

Medical History: Ten year old male, complaining of migraine headaches which occur at any time of day. He had been having them since he was five years old. The H.A. would usually cause him to vomit. Prior to the onset of H.S he would see black spots, have ear ringing.

He would be very active while sleeping, kicking off the covers, tossing & turning. Red /purple color under the eyes (lower eyelid). He has a poor diet, very picky eater. Had problems in school.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
Tags: , , ,  Â· Posted in: EENT, Neurological

Acupuncture for Sinusitis


Chief Complaint: Sinus problems

Medical History: Onset 5 years ago. Drinks 2 cups coffee daily.

Questioning exam: Sinus congestion and headaches worse with dairy and wheat. However no symptoms are used to make a Five Element Diagnosis.

Pulse exam: Pulses indicated exit-entry blocks between LV and Lu and LI and St.

Tongue exam: n/a

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
Tags: , , ,  Â· Posted in: EENT, Neurological, Respiratory