The Treatment of Headaches with Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine


Chief Complaint: Headache

Medical History: Patient is a 56 years old male with general normal appearance, obesity: weight: 213 Lbs, height: 5’4″, red face and strong voice.

Chief Complaint: headache on and off for about 5 months, the pain is mostly “behind the eyes” and on parietal side of head, sometimes accompanied with nauseous and vertigo, usually he has from 5 to 6 attacks/week. Blood tests are unremarkable, blood pressure in the range of 140 to 145/80 to 85 mmHg. MRI and X ray shown no abnormal. He recently eating a lot of “fast food” due to lack of time for meals at work. He drinks from 2 to 5 cups of coffee/day and 1 to 2 drinks (red wine) after diner. Lack of exercise and physical activities due to very tired and heaviness sensation in body. Taking medications for pain with temporary relief but having a lot of side effects (especially stomach problems).

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
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Chinese Herbs and Acupuncture for Migraine Headaches


Chief Complaint: Headaches

Western Diagnosis: Migraine

Medical History:

HPI: a 44 years old F. pt. seeks acupuncture treatment for her migraine today. her condition started when she was in 4th grade and has been treated by many doctors and modalities without satisfactory improvement. The patient denied her migraine associated with menstrual cycle or optical status but stress. Additionally, the pt. mentioned she would have a headache again if she skips meals a day. The pain primarily takes place on the left temp. area in a tense/consistent fashion, and could last form a few hours to 3 days, which affect concentration and feel exhaustion. She complaint ache and tension on the neck and shoulder areas, too.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
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The Acupuncture Treatment of Headaches


Chief Complaint: Chronic headaches: Tension, sinus, and migraine headaches

Medical History: 29 year old female; occupation-Project Coordinator for a construction company.

States to condition of “chronic” headaches for past 6+ years. Suffering from three types of headaches: tension, sinus and migraine headaches. Wants to get off “so many” medications that many times don’t work.

Reports father diagnosed with cluster headaches.

Current medications: Advil and Aleve for tension H/A, Sudafed 12 hr. for sinus H/A (preventative), Amitryptaline, Midrin, Fioracet for migraine H/A, Orthonovum 1/35 oral contraceptive. Other history is unremarkable.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
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Migraine Headache Treated with Acupuncture and Herbs


Chief Complaint: Headache

Western Diagnosis: Migraine-(dx. 02/96)

Medical History: 55 year old male, reports frontal and temporal unilateral headache, daily in the am for an hour and then in the evening.H x reveals that he has suffered from this kind of pain for approx. 15 years. worse: with light, in the evening and with stress. better: “nothing, makes it better. but i am still taking Imitrex” reports patient. overall H&P unremarkable.

Questioning exam: Energy is low, feels cold often, has chronic dull lumbar pain, chronic alternating diarrhea and constipation; poor sleep (4-6 hours, restless); urination normal.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
Tags: , , ,  Â· Posted in: EENT, Neurological

Acupuncture and Herbs for Migraine Headache


Chief Complaint: migraines

Medical History: drinker & smoker

Questioning exam: dizziness

Pulse exam: large rapid wiry

Tongue exam: red no coat

OM Diagnosis: liver yang rising

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
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Acupuncture for Sinusitis


Chief Complaint: Sinus problems

Medical History: Onset 5 years ago. Drinks 2 cups coffee daily.

Questioning exam: Sinus congestion and headaches worse with dairy and wheat. However no symptoms are used to make a Five Element Diagnosis.

Pulse exam: Pulses indicated exit-entry blocks between LV and Lu and LI and St.

Tongue exam: n/a

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
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Traditional East Asian Medicine Treatment of Migraine Headaches


Chief Complaint: Headache 40 +years, adverse 12 years

Western Diagnosis: Daily tension headache, migraine

Medical History: A 57 year-old Female, got headache when she was 12 years old.At the beginning, the headache just occurred each week, and the time was not lasted very long–3-4 hours per time and the pain was not located a specific part.After took pain-killer drug,it could be relieved.12 years ago, the headache became more and more frequent, almost headache every day, and from the morning to evening, the patient had to take medicine everyday,about 3-4 pills a day.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
Tags: , , , ,  Â· Posted in: EENT, Neurological

The Acupuncture Treatment of Vascular Headache


Chief Complaint: right temporal pain

Western Diagnosis: vascular headache

Medical History: A woman aged 40 complained headache for 20 years. the right temporal pain began 20 yeas age, often preceded by nervous tension or over-fatigue, and aggravated during menses. She experienced boring pain in the right temporal region accompanied by cramping pain of the right eye. the bouts usually subsided after 3-5 days, sometimes with slight pain remaining.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
Tags: , , ,  Â· Posted in: Cardiovascular, EENT, Neurological

The Acupuncture Treatment of Migraine Headaches


Chief Complaint: Migraine headaches

Medical History: The patient had a history of migraine headaches from the age of ten. The frequency of occurrence had steadily been increasing for several years.

Questioning exam: The pt complained of three to four migraine headaches a week. She reported that although she often got them in the morning, it was not always the case. The pt also described the pain as pounding and on the side of the head, although the migraines were not always on the same side. She stated that she had a very stressful job as a secretary, which affected her mood. She almost always suffered from migraines on Mondays. The pt ran warm and was often thirsty. In addition, she suffered from chronic low back ache.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
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Acupuncture Treatment for Headache


Chief Complaint: Headache, right side

Western Diagnosis: Hypertension and temporal arteritis

Medical History: Hypertension for 40 year on regular medicine.

Questioning exam: Right sided headache for 1 month, worse at night

Pulse exam: Pulse: regular

Right side headache gets worse when palpated.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
Tags: , ,  Â· Posted in: EENT, Metabolic, Neurological