Acupuncture Treatment for Headache

Western Diagnosis: Hypertension and temporal arteritis
Medical History: Hypertension for 40 year on regular medicine.
Questioning exam: Right sided headache for 1 month, worse at night
Pulse exam: Pulse: regular
Right side headache gets worse when palpated.
Tongue exam: Light red tongue with white fur
OM Diagnosis: Headache due to the arising liver Yang
Treatment Principle: Reducing liver Yang and local pain
Point Prescription: Tai Chong (liver 3), bilateral
Zhu San Li (stomach 36), bilateral
Local Ashi Points on right scalp
Lifestyle Prescription: Advice patient to take regular meds for blood pressure and continue to see his neurologist to rule out temporal arteritis (a condition needs special treatment to prevent eye involvement)
Results: Good after three sessions of acupuncture
Synopsis: Electroacupuncture was avoided because patient has a pacemaker.
Clinic Name: Herb Acupuncture Clinic
clinic address: Green Knoll Professional Part
720 Route 202/206, 1C
Bridgewater, NJ 08807
clinic phone number: 908 619 0601
email address:
Last modified: September 8, 2009
Tags: Acupuncture, headache, hypertension В· Posted in: EENT, Metabolic, Neurological