Archive for the ‘Digestive’ Category

Herbs and Acupuncture for IBS Diarrhea


Chief Complaint: chronic diarrhea

Western Diagnosis: IBS

Medical History: 34 year old Caucasian female, bookkeeper. Presents with scoliosis, lower and upper back pain, irregular menses. Patient does not exercise and eats lots of fried foods.

Questioning exam: Patient sighs frequently, has breast tenderness, distention, bloating and gas. Chronic dawn diarrhea with undigested food and mucous. Symptoms increase with menses. Patient has a heavy flow with many, large clots and dark blood. She sees floaters and frequently feels hot. She has seasonal allergies.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
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Chinese Medicine Treatment of Bloating


Chief Complaint: gas,severe bloating, diminished ability to flatulate

Western Diagnosis: stress

Medical History: Walks daily, married 57yr old but doesn’t live with wife (both are happy in this arrangement) has suffered from clinical depression for years and sees a psychiatrist, average diet not in excess, slim except for protruding stomach, accountant for school which is very stressful, hypochondriac pains

Questioning exam: likes cold fluids, thirsty a lot, healthy appetite but bloats excessively after meals, hard to fall asleep, has anxiety at night, constipated-every 3rd day, poor energy, mind is cloudy most of the time, cold feet all the time, poor memory, lumbago at night, sharp twinges in the heel, leg cramps at night, neck and shoulders get stiff when stressed.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
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Acupuncture Treatment of IBS Indigestion


Chief Complaint: Indigestion

Western Diagnosis: Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Medical History: Patient came with the complaint of dull and heavy sensation in the abdomen , also weakness and lethargy. He was having irregular bowels timings ,and usually more than thrice daily.

Questioning exam: He told me that always feel an urge for stool , whenever there is anxiety or tension and also whenever he want to go outside to do his field work.also he felt weakness after passing stool.he was looking a bit confused,in a hurry and tense.The stool he pass was usually loose.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
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The Acupuncture Treatment of Heartburn (GERD)


Chief Complaint: heartburn

Western Diagnosis: esophageal reflux

Medical History: stress related, burning like a hole in his stomach, ravenous hunger;
defensiveness, vulnerability

Questioning exam: heartburn ad epigastric pain, militant atheist.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
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Herbal Medicines for IBS Diarrhea


Chief Complaint: diarrhea

Western Diagnosis: IBS

Medical History: diarrhea, indigestion for 5 years

Questioning exam: like warm, poor appetite, gas, stomach pain, pale tongue and swollen

Pulse exam: thin and week

Tongue exam: pale swollen

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
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Acupuncture and Herbs for Abdominal Pain


Chief Complaint: Abdominal Pain

Western Diagnosis: Acute Gastritis

Medical History: Patient is a 30 year old female student. Average diet. In general runs cold and damp with underlying KID yang def.

Questioning exam: Patient had pain in lower abdomen and left lower quadrant following a night of drinking ETOH (Ethyl Alcohol i.e. beer and alcohol) and greasy foods. Felt burning dull achy pain in LLQ. Loose stools with burning at evacuation.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
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Chinese Herbs and Acupuncture for IBS Constipation


Chief Complaint: Bloating, Gas, Constipation

Western Diagnosis: IBS

Medical History: Patient is 50 year old male with 5 year history of digestive disorders. Three years ago he was diagnosed with IBS. Patient has bouts of diarrhea which is foul smelling.

Questioning exam: Patient, feels bloated, gassy, constipated.

Discomfort improves after a bowel movement.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
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Oriental Medicine Treatment of Crohn’s Disease


Chief Complaint: sporadic diarrhea followed by severe Rt. quadrant pain and high fever

Western Diagnosis: Crohn’s disease

Medical History: Diagnosed as Crohn’s Disease ten years ago. The frequency of the episode progressively changed to few times a year to twice a month. History of double hernia surgery 15 years ago.

Questioning exam: Malar flush, mild afternoon fever.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
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Oriental Medicine for Hives and GERD


Chief Complaint: Rashes, heart burn and sudden onset fatigue

Western Diagnosis: Hives and Acid reflex associated with stress

Medical History: Patient is a 40 year old female, who generally is in good health. She has had hives since childhood, hives comes and goes. Anti-histamine medication or prednisone did not help in the past. She used to take patent herbs for a few days, the rashes would be gone for a couple of months. Wherever she did not get enough sleep or stressed out, the rashes showed up again. Also each time she got pregnant, she tends to get hives. She never had heart burn before, but sometimes has bloating and indigestion when she eats greasy food .

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
Tags: , , , , , , , ,  Â· Posted in: Allergic, Dermatological, Digestive

Chinese Herbal Medicines for Epidemic Diarrhea


Chief Complaint: diarrhea and fever

Western Diagnosis: neonatal epidemic diarrhea

Medical History: A 4 day old girl was born full-term on 24/06/2003. she started to cry feebly 30 seconds after delivery. Birth weight was 2.5 kilos. Sucking power was good and she took 20 ml of 10% glucose solution two hours after birth and was fed alternately breast feedings and artificial formula composed of water and milk in a ratio of 2:1. During pregnancy 2-degree calcification spots on the placenta were shown by ultrasound.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
Tags: , ,  Â· Posted in: Digestive, Infectious