Acupuncture for Neck and Shoulder Pain


Chief Complaint: neck and shoulder pain since 16 years

Medical History: young woman, 35, refugee immigrant from Cuba, married with one daughter; gave history of persistent neck and shoulder pain of 16 yrs duration which came and went and tended to become persistent; worse at end of day, post-stress. works hard at a job and homemaker; non-smoker drinker etc. Indigenous- American diet; obviously overworked; has been to hospitals, has had X rays, medications, to no avail. Heard of our Community Acupuncture Clinic Refugee Component and came for help.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
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Traditional Asian Medicine for Back and Neck Pain


Chief Complaint: back and neck pain

Western Diagnosis: myofascial pain syndrome, “herniated and bulging discs”

Medical History: The patient came for treatment in 2001.
The patient is female, 25yrs old.
5′ 6″ 160lbs
2 children ages 3 and 6
Employed in Customer service fora Medical Clinic
Severe pain began following MVA in 1987. Subsequent MVAs in 97, 98, 99, 00, and 01. Surgery on RS knee 3X.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
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Acupuncture and Herbs for Neck and Shoulder Pain


Chief Complaint: neck and shoulder pain/tension

Medical History: patient woke up with crick in neck one week ago, initially got better, then today much worse.

Questioning exam: pain at base of skull (UB10/GB 20 area) and shoulders (GB21 area) more L sided; irritability; pain at 7 on scale of 1-10.

Pulse exam: pulse wiry overall

Tongue exam: red sides and tip, scant coat

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
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Acupuncture Treatment of Neck Pain


Chief Complaint: Neck Pain

Western Diagnosis: Cervicalgia

Medical History: Amateur tennis player.

Past History of car accidents, (2001, 2004)

Standard American Diet.

Craves coffee, spicy food.

Questioning exam: Localized, dull, achy pain with stiffness.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
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Acupuncture Treatment of Neck and Back Pain


Chief Complaint: neck & back pain

Medical History: car accidents (2) 25 years apart. 1st frontal. and hit from passenger side by truck. Seat belts worn. 12th rib removed, partial kidney damage and surgery to repair. Patient overweight, low energy limited mobility, also suffering family loss, unrelated to accidents. Now has “head of family”responsibilities…

Questioning exam: poor sleep. always hungry, gets very irritated when food is deprived. Limbic system is out of control. Pain is localized to C3 left side. Tightness across the T3 line, limits range of motion. Low energy. Other vitals unremarkable, except pulse rate is a bit high ( 80 – 90 ) avg.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
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The Acupuncture Treatment of Neck Pain


Chief Complaint: Sore neck

Western Diagnosis: neck pain

Medical History: 41 yo male patient was in MVA 11/20/2000. Pt. states he was stationary at stop sign and was struck from rear by trash truck moving approximately 8mph. Pt. denies striking any object inside of car. Pt. states he was wearing seat belt.

Questioning exam: Pt denies dizziness, blurred vision, nausea. Pt also denies and loss of movement on limbs or any burning or numbness sensations. Pt. states neck is very sore and that he can barely move it.

Last modified: September 6, 2009 · al · No Comments
Tags: , ,  Â· Posted in: Musculo-Skeletal