Archive for the ‘Case Studies’ Category

Herbs and Acupuncture for Achelles Tendinitis


Chief Complaint: Achilles Tendinitis

Western Diagnosis: Achilles Tendinitis

Medical History: Patient, 62, with primary complaint of achilles heel tendinitis. She has been a ice skater for over twenty years and has only recently began feeling a fixed pain and swelling at KD3 to KD7 area.

She is slightly overweight with poor eating habits, yet has a good exercise regimine, exercising at least 4 times a week for at least 45 minutes.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
Tags: , ,  Â· Posted in: Musculo-Skeletal

The Treatment of Allergies and Insomnia with Chinese Herbs and Acupuncture


Chief Complaint: Allergy and Insomnia

Western Diagnosis: Allergy and Insomnia

Medical History: Dizziness, fatigue, frontal headache, insomnia, asthma, nausea, earache, hay fever, sinus problems. back, legs, neck and shoulders pain, Lumps in groins.
Allergic to passion fruit, chamomile, some fruits, cats, horses, goats, deers, some herbs.

Questioning exam: Allergy and asthma since pt was born and has been tested and confirmed by specialist. Symptoms included daily sneezing, itchy throat, running nose, stuffy ears, frontal headache, and frequent skin rush.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
Tags: , , , ,  Â· Posted in: Auto-Immune, Well-Being

Chinese Herbs and Acupuncture for Painful Periods


Chief Complaint: Period pain

Western Diagnosis: dysmenorrhea

Medical History: Patient was a young woman of healthy appearance. She is a student and works at a gym as a personal trainer. She is VERY active, and tries to eat healthily – mainly raw foods. She drinks eight glasses of water a day. The pain began about six months after starting her job at the gym. She also has considerable strain put on her through her studies, and her eating and sleeping can become erratic.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
Posted in: Gynecological

Dizziness and Vertigo Treated with Acupuncture


Chief Complaint: Dizziness

Western Diagnosis: Vertigo

Medical History: Weight training 2x a week

Eats lots of fatty foods, sweet cravings

Drinks a lot of coffee

Questioning exam: Migraine headaches for 6 months

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
Tags: , , ,  Â· Posted in: EENT, Well-Being

The Treatment of Depression with Acupuncture


Chief Complaint: depression

Medical History: 35 year old female with a history of depressive episodes for 6 years. Recent weight gain of 20#s. Reports lack of interest in life, lack of exercise, and diet that includes large amounts of sugars and refined flours.

Questioning exam: Premenstrual breast distension
Constipation alternating with diarrhea.
Irritability and anger
Heavy menstrual flow with dark clots
Restless sleep with strong dreams.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
Tags:  Â· Posted in: Well-Being

The Treatment of Depression with Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs


Chief Complaint: depression

Western Diagnosis: depression, generalized anxiety disorder

Medical History: 42 year old female. Extreme despair every morning, characterized by great anxiety, terror of organizing her life, suicidal thoughts, fatigue.

Questioning exam: The patient revealed that she vomited bile on many mornings and she had had a cholecystectomy 3 years previously. She was intolerant of fat.She had struggled with weight gain and was overweight, gaining 60lbs. in three years.She had a very large scar under the right rib cage from the surgery.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
Tags: , ,  Â· Posted in: Well-Being

The Treatment of Menstrual Diarrhea with Acupuncture and Herbs


Chief Complaint: Early morning diarrhea which is worse just before and during menses.

Medical History: Generally nervous person, tends to internalize stress. Too much cold and sweet food. Exercises daily. Drinks wine several times per week. Previous antibiotic use with subsequent yeast infections.

Questioning exam: Symptoms worse with period.

Symptoms worse in the winter.

Symptoms worse with stress.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
Tags: , ,  Â· Posted in: Digestive, Gynecological

Sports Medicine with Acupuncture


Chief Complaint: big toe hurts, neck pain

Western Diagnosis: sports sprain

Medical History: a football athlete from Steelers, his left big toe hit the ground straight when playing football. No pain killers. Regular diet, no regular rest, a lot of competition

Questioning exam: Pain duration: one month.
Intensity: About 7-8, hurts all the time, ice makes it feel better.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
Tags:  Â· Posted in: Musculo-Skeletal

Intraepidermal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Treated with Chinese Medicine


Chief Complaint: “Severe dysplasia of vulva and rectum”. Secondary complaint of “recurring shingles due to weak immune system”.

Western Diagnosis: Bowen’s Disease. AKA- Intraepidermal Squamous Cell Carcinoma.

Medical History: This woman, age 42, works as a Hollywood talent agent, where intense stress is a minimum daily requirement. Her dysplasia issue began or was diagnosed 18 years prior to this treatment (10/9/01). She had received seven surgeries and/or laser treatment to excise the malignancy sites over that time. Her first malignancy operation was in 1984 with the other surgeries occurring periodically to 1999. As a young woman she had a history of menstrual problems, including “bursting” cysts and tumors (fibroid ?), had one ovary removed at age 19 and eventually a total hysterectomy in July of ’99. She was taking Nexium to treat her job related ulcers. She had daily “migraine” headaches and was taking Imitrex. She had an overactive bladder and had a prescription for Detrol to treat that problem.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
Tags: , , ,  Â· Posted in: Cancer

Male Impotence Treated with Acupuncture and Oriental Herbs


Chief Complaint: Impotence

Western Diagnosis: Impotence.

Medical History: Patient is a 27 year old Caucasian male who presented with complaint of sexual dysfunction for two years duration. It is not continuous but has been steadily worsening.

Patient maintains a healthy diet, is moderately physically active and under tremendous psychological stress. maintains a monogamous relationship with a girlfriend.

He has been experiencing lumbago concurrent with the impotence since it began. He was involved in a motorcycle accident seven years prior in which, among other injuries, he shattered his left fibula and ankle. He now has decreased ROM in his left ankle and his gait is altered. This limits his physical activities and has set up mechanical imbalances in his pelvis and SI-joint.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
Tags: ,  Â· Posted in: Reproductive