Intraepidermal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Treated with Chinese Medicine

Chief Complaint: “Severe dysplasia of vulva and rectum”. Secondary complaint of “recurring shingles due to weak immune system”.
Western Diagnosis: Bowen’s Disease. AKA- Intraepidermal Squamous Cell Carcinoma.
Medical History: This woman, age 42, works as a Hollywood talent agent, where intense stress is a minimum daily requirement. Her dysplasia issue began or was diagnosed 18 years prior to this treatment (10/9/01). She had received seven surgeries and/or laser treatment to excise the malignancy sites over that time. Her first malignancy operation was in 1984 with the other surgeries occurring periodically to 1999. As a young woman she had a history of menstrual problems, including “bursting” cysts and tumors (fibroid ?), had one ovary removed at age 19 and eventually a total hysterectomy in July of ’99. She was taking Nexium to treat her job related ulcers. She had daily “migraine” headaches and was taking Imitrex. She had an overactive bladder and had a prescription for Detrol to treat that problem.
Last modified: September 8, 2009 В·
al В·
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Tags: Acupuncture, carcinoma, Herbs, vulva В· Posted in: Cancer