Acupuncture and Oriental Herbs for Rheumatoid Arthritis


Chief Complaint: joint pain

Western Diagnosis: rheumatoid arthritis

Medical History: Female, 34 years old, physical therapist. Joint pain since she was little. Has seen regular physician. Take low dose prednisone off and on.

Ankle, knee and hip joint pain bother her a lot. Recently the both knee swollen, pain, feeling warm and affecting function.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
Tags: , , ,  Â· Posted in: Auto-Immune, Musculo-Skeletal

Acupuncture and Herbs for Rheumatoid Arthritis


Chief Complaint: Severe pain, edema and stiffness of various joints for 8 weeks.

Western Diagnosis: Rheumatoid Arthritis

Medical History: Severe pain, edema and stiffness of various joints which were symmetrical and typical of RA. Joints affected included ankles, knees, hips, fingers, wrists, jaw, elbows and shoulders. Patient’s mobility was very poor and she needed considerable help with her personal needs. All activities were painful, the majority severely.

Questioning exam: Dull ache with stiffness. Worse at night. Trigger by coldness and tiredness.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
Tags: , , ,  Â· Posted in: Auto-Immune, Musculo-Skeletal

Oriental Medicine for Rheumatoid Arthritis


Chief Complaint: Pain in the Joints.
Western Diagnosis: Rheumatoid Arthritis
History: The patient complained of small joints starting in the winter from a long time. Gradually, it spread to larger joints mainly in the knee.
Symptoms: Joint Pain, Muscle pain, Body Ache, Tiredness, Stiffness, Swelling in the legs, too much weakness while doing even small work she was feeling weak.
Palpation: Pulse is thin and wiry.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
Tags: , , , ,  Â· Posted in: Auto-Immune, Musculo-Skeletal