Oriental Medicine for Hives and GERD

Chief Complaint: Rashes, heart burn and sudden onset fatigue
Western Diagnosis: Hives and Acid reflex associated with stress
Medical History: Patient is a 40 year old female, who generally is in good health. She has had hives since childhood, hives comes and goes. Anti-histamine medication or prednisone did not help in the past. She used to take patent herbs for a few days, the rashes would be gone for a couple of months. Wherever she did not get enough sleep or stressed out, the rashes showed up again. Also each time she got pregnant, she tends to get hives. She never had heart burn before, but sometimes has bloating and indigestion when she eats greasy food .
Last modified: September 8, 2009 В·
al В·
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Tags: abdominal, Acupuncture, allergies, fatigue, GERD, heartburn, Herbs, hives, rashes В· Posted in: Allergic, Dermatological, Digestive