Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs for Anxiety and Depression

History: History of Anxiety and depression. She is going through a divorce at the moment. And had a constant headache for two weeks.
Symptoms: Dull pain throbbing. Like a band across the head. Insomnia and some dizziness.
Palpation: Pulse–thin and weak
Abdomen-Some tenderness and pulsation at the cv 12 area.
Observation: Pale tongue, weak voice and dry skin.
OM Diagnosis: Sp def, blood def
Treatment Principle: Tonify sp and blood
Point Prescription: Bl 17,18,20, sp6, sp4, Cv 12,6, st36, Moxa-cv12
Herb Prescription: Nu ke ba zheng san
Lifestyle Prescription: I’ve recommended some qi gong practice as well as some dietary changes to a more whole foods diet with the addition of more green vegetables
Results: After two treatments-less pain, and after 4 treatments headaches were gone
Name: R. Scott Moylan
Credentials: Licensed Acupuncturist
Clinic Name: Elements of Healing
Street address: 21 Essex Way Suite 109
City: Essex Jct.
State: VT
Zip: 05452
Country: USA
Phone 1: 802-288-8160
Last modified: September 8, 2009
Tags: Acupuncture, acupuncturist, anxiety, depression В· Posted in: Well-Being