Archive for the ‘Reproductive’ Category

Acupuncture and Herbs for Infertility


Chief Complaint: Infertility

History: Has tried for 8 yrs. to conceive with her husband w/out success. Has tried 2 IVF cycles and two donor egg cycles w/out success.
Symptoms: Hx of hemorrhoids, oligomenorrhea, varicose veins, chronic constipation is a smoker and a drinker.
Palpation: Slightly Choppy, Slightly Thin
Observation: Red Body, No Coat, large purple spots scattered throughout the body, slightly dry
OM Diagnosis: Yin Deficiency with some Heat, Blood Stagnation

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
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Chinese Medicine for Male Infertility


Chief Complaint: male infertility

Western Diagnosis: low sperm count, low testosterone, hi LH & FSH

History: lost several hundred pounds a few years ago. currently on raw food diet. leads mentally healthy lifestyle.

Symptoms: frequent urination (but drinks ~2 gallons of water a day); high energy; good attitude; low back pain; loose stool; diagnosed w/gall stones; craves salt; foot fungus; occasional headaches; on and off exhausted, but only sleeps 6 hours/night due to schedule.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
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The Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Treatment of Infertility


Chief Complaint: being unable to get pregnant for 3 years

Western Diagnosis: Infertility

Medical History: The female patient hasn’t been pregnant for 3 years after getting married. The patient has irregular menstruation combined with clots and cramps, and stress from work.

Pulse exam: Pulse is wiry and thin.

Tongue exam: Tongue is purplish with tooth marks. Coating is thin and white.

Last modified: September 6, 2009 · al · No Comments
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The Chinese Herbal Treatment of Infertility due to Tubal Obstruction


Chief Complaint: being unable to get pregnant after 5 year marriage

Western Diagnosis: 1.Tubal Obstruction, 2.Uterus dysplasia

Medical History: The patient hasn’t been able to get pregnant since she got married 5 years ago.She went to see western doctor and was diagnosed with tubal obstruction and uterus dysplasia. She has experienced scanty menstruation, light color, dark clots, accompanied with legs soreness

Last modified: September 6, 2009 · al · No Comments
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The Chinese Medicine Treatment of Male Infertility, Low Sperm Count and Motility


Chief Complaint: Infertility for three years

Western Diagnosis: low number sperm and poor activity

Medical History: Male, 31 years old, MD and very stressed, low back hurts all the times otherwise everything is fine.

Pulse exam: Pulse: weak and thin.

Tongue exam: Tongue is normal

Last modified: September 6, 2009 · al · No Comments
Tags: , , ,  Â· Posted in: Reproductive