Acupuncture for Pain in the Lower Back and Hips

Chief Complaint: Seasonal Allergies/pain in lower back and hips (SI joints)
Western Diagnosis: Seasonal allergies and Ankylosing Spondilitis
Medical History: Patient is a healthy appearing 28 year old male who has a history of allergies (ragweed, dust) since childhood and more recently diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondilitis 3 years ago after a pain in his toes (middle toe on rt, second on lt). No treatments have affected the seasonal allergies. Patient is currently taking Hydroxychloroquine for the Ankylosing Spondilitis as needed by his rheumatologist. Stiffness in the morning but gets better as day goes along. Nothing remarkable in the diet. Patient is physically active as a father (4 year old) and soon to be again.
Last modified: September 8, 2009 В·
al В·
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Tags: abdominal, Acupuncture, allergies, ankylosing spondilitis В· Posted in: Musculo-Skeletal