The Acupuncture Treatment of Turner’s Syndrome

Chief Complaint: height stop growing after one and half years of age
Western Diagnosis: Turner’s syndrome
Medical History: The eight years French girl Leila C. came to see me on 07-10-99 along with her parents. She use to follow to the lower board of the normal height track since her was born. Between 1996-1998,her height did not be measured. June 1998, after her parents notice she was no more growing, She been sent to several specialist. She was been diagnosis with Turner’s Syndrome, but her reproductive system is well developed. Because Her Parents insisted to avoid the hormone replacement therapy. One of her doctor advised to try acupuncture.
Last modified: September 6, 2009 В·
al В·
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Tags: Acupuncture, Turner's Syndrome В· Posted in: Gynecological