The Acupuncture Treatment of Vascular Headache


Chief Complaint: right temporal pain

Western Diagnosis: vascular headache

Medical History: A woman aged 40 complained headache for 20 years. the right temporal pain began 20 yeas age, often preceded by nervous tension or over-fatigue, and aggravated during menses. She experienced boring pain in the right temporal region accompanied by cramping pain of the right eye. the bouts usually subsided after 3-5 days, sometimes with slight pain remaining.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
Tags: , , ,  Â· Posted in: Cardiovascular, EENT, Neurological

Acupuncture Treatment of Painful Periods


Chief Complaint: pain and discomfort before and during menstrual period

Western Diagnosis: dysmenorrhea

Medical History: always worried,easy to be angry, lack of exercise,eat mostly out doors.

Questioning exam: A women aged 32,spasmodic pain in the lower abdomen, painful distension radiating in both flanks, severe and persistent low back pain accompanied by premenstrual tension, nausea, vomiting,headache and emotional disturbance for about 16 years.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
Tags: , ,  Â· Posted in: Gynecological

Acupuncture Treatment of Arm Pain and Tingling


Chief Complaint: arm pain and tingling

Western Diagnosis: radial tunnel syndrome

Medical History: Patient no relevant history except repetitive motion of right arm due to construction work.

Questioning exam: Severe pain and tingling down left arm. Pain was constant. Sometimes pain was sharp, sometimes dull.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
Tags: ,  Â· Posted in: Neurological

Acupuncture Treatment of Pain and Tightness in Legs


Chief Complaint: Pain and tightness in legs

Western Diagnosis: Sciatica, scoliosis

Medical History: Acid reflux (possible hiatal hernia),
GI sensitivity to meds, Lactose intolerance, does lots of physical labor at home,
Western meds and supplements
Celebrex: 50 mg
Glucosamine / Chondroiton sulfate

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
Tags: , ,  Â· Posted in: Musculo-Skeletal

Oriental Medicine Treatment of Postpartum Abdominal Pain


Chief Complaint: postpartum lower abdominal pain.

Medical History: Aside from the main complaint, the patient says she is “otherwise healthy.” Normally, she eats two meals per day and snacks as she becomes hungry throughout the day—though sometimes she does not feel hungry enough to snack and simply eats two meals per day.

Food is a “low priority” in her daily schedule, particularly, she says, now after the baby’s birth. Her husband, who loves to cook, does most of the cooking. Her digestion is fine: no gas or bloating. Her stools are formed and once per day. In general, she tends towards constipation. Her urination is fine. She eats dairy, grains, vegetables and meat. She does not have a sweet tooth nor eat very much “fast food.”

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
Tags: , , ,  Â· Posted in: Reproductive

Traditional Asian Medicine for Back and Neck Pain


Chief Complaint: back and neck pain

Western Diagnosis: myofascial pain syndrome, “herniated and bulging discs”

Medical History: The patient came for treatment in 2001.
The patient is female, 25yrs old.
5′ 6″ 160lbs
2 children ages 3 and 6
Employed in Customer service fora Medical Clinic
Severe pain began following MVA in 1987. Subsequent MVAs in 97, 98, 99, 00, and 01. Surgery on RS knee 3X.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
Tags: , , , ,  Â· Posted in: Musculo-Skeletal

Acupuncture Treatment of Ankle Pain


Chief Complaint: Decreased ROM and pain in ankle

Medical History: Patient had sprained her right ankle 6 months previous to first appointment. She had been to physiotherapy for 5 months without much improvement. ROM was limited to only 20% of normal ROM in both plantar flexion and dorsiflexion. Inversion was limited to about 30% of normal ROM. Pain was rated with testing movements at a grading of 4-5 out of 10. Pain increased with movement and this was particularly difficult as she is a swimming coach and a soccer player. Some swelling was also obvious around the external malleolus.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
Tags: , ,  Â· Posted in: Musculo-Skeletal

Acupuncture and Herbs for Abdominal Pain


Chief Complaint: Abdominal Pain

Western Diagnosis: Acute Gastritis

Medical History: Patient is a 30 year old female student. Average diet. In general runs cold and damp with underlying KID yang def.

Questioning exam: Patient had pain in lower abdomen and left lower quadrant following a night of drinking ETOH (Ethyl Alcohol i.e. beer and alcohol) and greasy foods. Felt burning dull achy pain in LLQ. Loose stools with burning at evacuation.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
Tags: , , ,  Â· Posted in: Digestive

Acupuncture Treatment of Golfer’s Elbow


Chief Complaint: Pain in right forearm near the elbow

Western Diagnosis: Golfer’s elbow

Medical History: Since a month ago, patient has pain in right forearm. It’s localized sharp pain that aggravates when patient tries to lift something and playing golf. 9 out 10 in pain scale and pain has been consistent since the beginning. Irregular diet, plays golf regularly, rides motorcycle occasionally, smokes 10 cig/day.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
Tags: , ,  Â· Posted in: Musculo-Skeletal

Acupuncture and Herbs for Eye Pain


Chief Complaint: eye pain

Questioning exam: Gain weight, hot sensation in a head, night sweat, edema, can’t stay asleep, Neck pain, upper back pain, trembling hands,headache, dry, sensitive eye,tinnitus, stomach pain, gas, scanty urine,blood in stool, PMS, painful menses, clots, irritability, mood swing

Pulse exam: Lu-superficial, sp-slippery, kid(both),heart, Liv- deep,

Tongue exam: Pale-pink tongue body, thin white coating

OM Diagnosis: Liver yin deficiency,Liver Qi stagnation, wood overacting earth.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
Tags: , , ,  Â· Posted in: EENT