Acupuncture Treatment of Recurring Nightmares

Chief Complaint: Recurring Nightmares
History: Patient was an 23yr old female who had no previous major medical history. She had a tonsillectomy when she was in grade school (did not remember age) . No medications, no history of abuse and could not think of any specific physical or emotional trauma.
Symptoms: Recurring dream of being chased then strangled. Initial onset was about 1.5 months prior to tx with an occurrence about 2/3 times per week. Patient was having difficulty sleeping due to anxiety about having nightmare and would sleep very lightly. After dream would usually stay up about 2 hours to calm herself down. All other functions seemed normal.
Last modified: May 26, 2010 В·
al В·
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Tags: abdominal, Acupuncture, anxiety, nightmares В· Posted in: Digestive, Well-Being