Acupuncture and Herbs used for Menstrual Pain

Chief Complaint: menstrual pain
Western Diagnosis: dysmenorrhoea
Medical History: This 35 year old lady has been complaining of pain and cramping after onset of period for past six months,and passing large clots with menstrual flow.She also reports extreme moodiness premenstrually.
Pain and cramping is relieved by pressure.She tends to feel hot but gets cold after eating.Her digestion is normal and bowels regular.Urination is normal with no nocturia. Sleeps well but wakes up feeling fatigued.
She has a history of Yang Ming headaches due to sinus congestion and was treated for post nasal drip due to allergies.
Last modified: September 8, 2009 В·
al В·
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Tags: Acupuncture, dysmenorrhea, menstrual pain В· Posted in: Gynecological
Acupuncture Treatment of Painful Periods

Chief Complaint: Painful periods
Western Diagnosis: Dysmenorrhea
Medical History: The patient is a 29 year old female with primary dysmenorrhea. Her menses started at the age of 12 and problems started at the age of 13. At the age of 8 she suffered a left inguinal hernia located about Liver 12, which was repaired surgically. The patient drinks alcohol on the weekends and smokes cigarettes regularly.
Last modified: September 8, 2009 В·
al В·
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Tags: Acupuncture, dysmenorrhea, menstrual pain В· Posted in: Gynecological