AOM Day Goodwill Message, Oct. 24, 2009

To my good friends of the AOM profession in Pakistan,
A Pakistani acupuncturist recently confided in me how frustrating it is that there are untrained and illegitimate “physicians” practicing acupuncture in Pakistan.
I believe that many MDs in the US have just as much of a problem with doctors of Chinese medicine.
Over the past few years, I have been presenting continuing medical education (CME) lectures to MDs, nurses, and allied health care providers. Hospitals regularly provide lunchtime lectures for their doctors. I was on a circuit providing those lectures.
I had hoped to present the benefits of integrating drugs and Chinese herbal medicines which is my own practice focus. I presented numerous Chinese research studies that demonstrated how therapeutic outcomes improved, drug dosages could be lowered and side effects could be averted.
Last modified: October 24, 2009 В·
al В·
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