Acupuncture and Herbs for Palpitations, Insomnia, Irregular Erratic Heartbeat


Chief Complaint: palpitations, insomnia, irregular erratic heartbeat

Western Diagnosis: arrhythmia, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Medical History: Pt. is 37 yr. old male with history of extreme sports career (cycling) with exposure to extreme heat and cold while racing. Childhood history of multiple traumatic events. For the past 20 years Pt. has noticed gradually worsening irregular heartbeat. Has been hospitalized 2 times for acute attacks. Pt. cannot sleep well. Very difficult falling asleep, dream-disturbances, night sweats, some low back pain. Still exercises but only light to moderate because of heart condition. Endurance and stamina, energy level throughout the day very low. Risk of arrhythmia acting up.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 В· al В· No Comments
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