Acupuncture and Herbs for Eye Pain

Chief Complaint: eye pain
Questioning exam: Gain weight, hot sensation in a head, night sweat, edema, can’t stay asleep, Neck pain, upper back pain, trembling hands,headache, dry, sensitive eye,tinnitus, stomach pain, gas, scanty urine,blood in stool, PMS, painful menses, clots, irritability, mood swing
Pulse exam: Lu-superficial, sp-slippery, kid(both),heart, Liv- deep,
Tongue exam: Pale-pink tongue body, thin white coating
OM Diagnosis: Liver yin deficiency,Liver Qi stagnation, wood overacting earth.
Last modified: September 8, 2009 ·
al ·
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Tags: Acupuncture, eye, Herbs, pain · Posted in: EENT
Acupuncture and Herbs for Eye Pain

Chief Complaint: Right eye pain/pressure
Western Diagnosis: Secondary Hypertension
Medical History: Leukemia 10 years ago, remission. Truck driver with occasional sciatica. Secondary hypertension, stress from truck driving. Eats well, exercises regularly. Drinks excessive coffee on the road.
Questioning exam: Right eye pressure and pain for one week. Pressure behind the eye. Stress and worry about money and health issues. Bp was normal on examination. Difficulty falling asleep, prone to anger and feeling overwhelmed.
Last modified: September 8, 2009 ·
al ·
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Tags: Acupuncture, anger, eye, Herbs, hypertension, pain · Posted in: EENT, Metabolic
Chinese Herbal Medicine to Treat Sjorgren’s Syndrome

Chief Complaint: The patient suffered from dry and sore eye for seven years.
Western Diagnosis: Sjogren Syndrome
Medical History: 50+y, female. The patient suffered from dry and sore eye for seven years. She is unable to cry properly since 1999. Also, her mouth is dry and gum is sore. Accompanied Symptoms: dizziness, slight hair loss, arthralgia.
Questioning exam: Her skin is dark and rough with some pigmentation.
Last modified: September 8, 2009 ·
al ·
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Tags: Acupuncture, dry, eye, pain, Sjorgren's · Posted in: Auto-Immune