Acupuncture Treatment of Acne Rosacea

Chief Complaint: Acne Rosacea
Medical History: The patient is a 50 year old female whose Acne Rosacea, localized mainly around her mouth and chin. During her adolescent years she was diagnosis with severe Acne by her physician. In her thirties she was diagnosis with Acne Rosacea by a Dermatologist. For past two years the outbreaks has been moderate to acute. Her lesion is diameter of an eraser on a pencil. They are pustules and painful. When the lesion breaks open, they bleed and is easily irritate. Simply splashing water on her face to wash it or wiping her mouth area with dinner napkin can cause the to lesions to bleed.
Last modified: September 8, 2009 В·
al В·
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Tags: Acne Rosacea, Acupuncture В· Posted in: Auto-Immune, Dermatological