The Frail, Weak Pulse (Ruo Mai)


Frail Pulse (?? Ruo Mai, weak)

Key points: deep, thin, forceless

Indications: deficiency of yin, yang, qi, or blood: if deeper, more yang deficiency, if pulse lacks root, more yin deficiency.

Explanation: the frail pulse is thin. This is a deficiency of yin or blood. The frail pulse is forceless. This is a deficiency of qi and/or yang. The frail pulse is also deep, that suggests a lack of upward movement, leaning toward a yang deficiency.

The Frail Pulse

The Frail Pulse

Comparison of the Soggy and Frail Pulses

Comparison of the Soggy and Frail Pulses

Next: you’ll need to focus, because it’s the scattered pulse.

Last modified: July 25, 2009  Tags: ,  В·  Posted in: Pulse Class, Pulse-Palpation