The Faint, Minute Pulse (Wei Mai)


Faint Pulse (?? Wei Mai, minute)

Key points: thin, forceless, vague

Indications: yin, yang, qi, or blood deficiency: four substances can’t fill vessel.

(Superficial) more yin exhaustion

(Deep) more yang exhaustion

Explanation: the frail pulse is thin. This is a deficiency of yin or blood, remember? The frail pulse is also forceless. This is a deficiency of qi and/or yang. The frail pulse is vague. This is not so much its own finding, but rather an outcome of a really deficient pulse. It is difficult to feel or easily locate.

The Faint Pulse

The Faint Pulse

Comparison of Scattered, Faint, and Deficient Pulses

Comparison of Scattered, Faint, and Deficient Pulses

Next: the frail pulse.

Last modified: July 26, 2009  Tags: ,  В·  Posted in: Pulse Class, Pulse-Palpation