Acupuncture Treatment for Hand Injury

Western Diagnosis: Hand Crush Injury.
Medical History: Crush injury of right hand during work-accident.
Questioning exam: Continuous pain in right hand, immobility of hand and fingers with exacerbation of pain with movement. Insomnia, decline in libido and sexual performance since injury.
OM Diagnosis: Injury of PC channel, with attendant symptoms of PC organ, causing insomnia and sexual and libido decline.
Treatment Principle: Sedation and release of Qi in PC channel.
Point Prescription: PC 9, PC 6, PC 7
Lifestyle Prescription: Patient did physiotherapy treatments and received NSAID drugs without any help to his condition.
Results: Partial improvement after 1st treatment, complete healing after 5 sessions, with return to work after absence of nearly 6 months.
Hi Doctor.
One question about this case: Did he experience any improvement in his PC shen level/libido issues after the five treatments?
Hi Al,
Didn’t know it was you up there…
And yes, he did experience improvement in his libido, sexual performance, and sleep.
Last modified: September 8, 2009
Tags: Acupuncture, tissue trauma В· Posted in: Musculo-Skeletal