The Acupuncture Treatment of Amenorrhea
![Gynecological Gynecological](
Medical History: Female, 25 years old.
Diet-no meat except fish, lots of salad/tofu
Exercise-yoga 3x/week, walking
History of depression: 2 major episodes each lasting approximately 2 years. Amenorrhea began about the same time as onset of last depressive episode 2 1/2 years ago.
Injuries- Age 11 tailbone fracture
Questioning exam: Cold hands and feet; ringing in right ear, holds tension in shoulders/upper back; depressive episode is “lifting”. She’s a filmmaker and loves her work, though it’s not yet terribly lucrative.
Pulse exam: Pulse; wiry
Hara: Very tender at GB 26-28, KID 15-16, ST 30, CV 2-3. Extreme tightness: lower obliques (Dai Mai) and rectus abdominus (Chong Mai)
Tongue exam: Normal
OM Diagnosis: Obstruction of qi and blood in Dai and Chong channels
Treatment Principle: Remove obstruction, activate circulation, move blood
Point Prescription: Extraordinary Vessels:
SP4, PC6
GB41, TH5
Four gates: LIV3, LI4
Other distal points: SP6, buy propecia SP8, SP10
ST36, CV12
Local Points: Tight/tender points:
KID 15.5, GB 26 (trigger point technique releasing lower oblique), GB 27/28 (propogating qi downward), CV 2/3 and ST 30 (propogating qi downward)
Results: Patient called within 2 hours post-treatment to report she’d gotten her period. Period was “normal”, lasting 5 days with heavy flow first 2 days (small amount of clotting on day 2)and light flow last 3 days. No cramping. I saw patient for follow up treatment the following week and then once again 1 week before we calculated her next period should begin. Her next period began late — 40 day cycle (her cycle used to be about 29 days). I will continue to treat her monthly to help regulate.
Courtesy of:
Warner Seem M.S., L.Ac.
20 West 86th Street, Suite 1AA
New York, NY 10024
212 501-6765
Last modified: September 6, 2009
Tags: Acupuncture, amenorrhea В· Posted in: Gynecological